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Searches and Seizures of Vehicles (Abandoned Property): State of Ohio v. Warner

Question: Can you search a trunk of an “abandoned” vehicle without a warrant?
Quick Answer: Yes, if an individual intended to abandon the vehicle, through words or actions, he loses his right to privacy, and search without a warrant is proper.

State of Ohio v. Warner, Eleventh Appellate District, Portage County, May 5, 2014
Facts: Officer Dominic Poe of the Kent Police Department activated his lights to pull over Raymond Warner for a turn-signal violation. Warner turned into a driveway, parked, and ran. Due to the presence of a passenger, Poe did not chase Warner. Instead, he ran the registration and found the car did not belong to Warner. Poe called in a tow truck because the vehicle was abandoned. He performed an inventory search, finding meth and the purse of the owner inside the car as well as a digital scale with powder residue, a bag of lithium batteries, Warner’s Social Security card, aluminum foil, a pipe cutter, and a bottle of suspected muriatic acid in the trunk. Warner filed a motion to suppress the evidence found in the trunk.
Importance: In general, an inventory of a vehicle does not allow the search of a closed trunk. However, if the vehicle is determined to be abandoned, searching the trunk is proper. To determine if a vehicle is abandoned, you look to the intent (words or actions) of the person. In this case, Warner ran from the vehicle. The act of running shows abandonment through action. When a person abandons his property, he loses any expectation of privacy, and a search is proper without a warrant.
Keep in Mind: The individual must carry out the act of abandonment voluntarily. The determination of whether the person acted voluntarily is also based on your stop. If a person abandons a vehicle after an illegal stop, that vehicle will not be classified as abandoned for search purposes — even if the person runs away. In this case, Poe witnessed Warner fail to signal, a violation of traffic law, making the stop legal. As a result, Warner voluntarily abandoned the vehicle, and the search of the trunk was proper.
Another Look: Check out the case of Nicholas Newton, in which the court determined that a rifle used to murder an individual was abandoned property. As a result, Newton had no right of protection under the Fourth Amendment to the rifle, including the DNA traces found on it. State of Ohio v. Newton, Tenth Appellate District, Franklin County, May 8, 2014
More on Search and Seizure: Vehicles
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