Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

School threat assessment grants now available


For law enforcement officers who completed the Ohio School Threat Assessment Training program, the next step — and the opportunity to earn more money — has opened.

The window for completing vulnerability assessments at K-12 school buildings, and getting paid $300 for it, runs through the end of 2020.

Police officers or deputy sheriffs who have received a certificate for taking the threat assessment training are eligible to conduct the vulnerability assessments, the forms for which can be found on the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway (OHLEG).

The assessments must be completed in coordination with the schools, and law enforcement agencies should submit grant requests for all school vulnerability assessments completed within their jurisdiction in a single batch. (Keep copies of each assessment.)

For more details, contact Mark Porter, the attorney general’s school safety coordinator, at mark.porter@, 614-728-1173 (work phone) or 614-955-8847 (cellphone).