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AG Yost Sues NY-based Home Warranty Company, Alleging Deceptive Business Practices


(COLUMBUS, Ohio) — Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost is suing First Premier Home Warranty and its owner, alleging that the New York-based company’s deceptive business practices have harmed Ohio consumers.

“Ohioans deserve reliable services when they pay a company their hard-earned money,” Yost said. “Honest businesses do what they say they’re going to do – false promises won’t hold up.” 

The lawsuit names Albert Sayegh – who operates First Premier from Brooklyn, where he also lives – seeking to hold him accountable for more than two years of alleged misconduct.

From Aug. 1, 2022, to Aug. 7, 2024, the suit says, 13 Ohio consumers filed complaints against First Premier with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. Additionally, 18 Ohio consumers lodged complaints with the Better Business Bureau in New York.

Yost’s lawsuit maintains that First Premier misrepresented its product and services to consumers, whose complaints indicate that the company rarely covers claims and, even when payments are made, that the amount typically is not enough to pay for the necessary repair or replacement.

Consumers have expressed frustration with what they describe as a one-sided contract that fails to deliver promised benefits despite annual payments ranging from $400 to $650, plus additional service costs.

The lawsuit also accuses First Premier of violating the Consumer Sales Practices Act by manipulating online reviews, allowing consumers who posted negative feedback to cancel their accounts only if they remove their reviews and posting false reviews by fake consumers. Evidence of this practice was obtained during an investigation by Yost’s Consumer Protection Section.

Additionally, the lawsuit says, First Premier violated the Telephone Solicitation Sales Act by failing to register with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, as required by Ohio law.

Yost is asking the court to require the defendants to change their business practices to comply with Ohio law, reimburse consumers, and pay civil penalties and court costs.

If you believe you have a complaint against First Premier Home Warranty – or suspect another unfair or deceptive business practice – contact the Ohio Attorney General’s Office at or 800-282-0515.

Hannah Hundley: 614-906-9113


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