Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

Death penalty report shows downward trend

​In 2019, trials in Ohio resulted in death sentences for six people, the most since 2010 and a rare total for the decade, according to the 2019 Capital Crimes Annual Report.


School threat assessment training now available

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office has produced video training to help law enforcement officers work with schools to create threat assessment teams, a proven method of preventing school violence.


New efforts aim to end human trafficking in Ohio

During the first 11 months of 2019 alone, law enforcement task forces in Ohio rescued 110 trafficking victims and referred 217 more to services. That’s almost 330 Ohioans combined who have not had control of their lives, and it's just the tip of the iceberg.


A letter from Dave Yost: Fallen officers deserve honor — and justice

Morrow Police Officer Jeffrey Phegley — a 22-year-old who was murdered on the job in 1987 — was the kind of young man who’d start off his shift singing to co-workers. 


Q&A: Dwight ‘Dee’ Holcomb, Executive Director of OPOTA

What do you think of the state of police training in Ohio? It’s good, but it can always be expanded. We need to be proactive in identifying what the future issues in policing will be.


Q&A: Sarah Shendy, Copley Police Officer, OPOTA Trainer

Sarah Shendy is a veteran Copley police officer, an OPOTA trainer and a Muslim woman who has had such a positive experience in policing that she would recommend the career to anyone, especially minorities. 


2019 Law Enforcement Conference awards honor ‘best of the best’

The 2019 Law Enforcement Conference, hosted in the fall by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, celebrated the great work being done by Ohio peace officers and their partners. Here are the winners of the Distinguised Law Enforcement Awards.


Now available: Traffic safety grants cover OPOTA tuition

OPOTA has grant money available to reimburse law enforcement officers for tuition to certain traffic safety courses. 


Preventing violence: New program will train police officers, schools to assess threats

One of the questions that inevitably arises after a school shooting is: When the shooter clearly showed signs of trouble, why wasn’t the attack prevented?


Alliance police officer building a better city, one child at a time

ALLIANCE, Ohio — When the transition from elementary to intermediate school proved difficult for Carter, he found a refuge in a martial arts program for kids run by Police Officer Roy Tittle.

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