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News Releases

AG Yost Seeks Court Order to Stop Polluter from Damaging Vinton County Waterway

Ohio Attorney General Yost has filed a temporary restraining order to stop a sanitation company from further polluting Raccoon Creek in Vinton County by dumping an illegal amount of waste.


Petition Certified for Proposed Statute to Expand Legal Marijuana in Ohio

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office today certified a revised petition for a proposed statute that would add a chapter to the Ohio Revised Code to control and regulate cannabis use by adults.


As Local Support Mounts, Ohio on Verge of $808 Million Deal with Opioid Distributors

Thanks to the extraordinary cooperation and swift action from Ohio’s city, county, township and village partners, the OneOhio opioid settlement agreement with the nation’s three largest distributors now has the backing of more than 96% of the state’s litigating population, Attorney General Dave Yost announced today.


Attorney General Yost Seizes Randazzo's Assets to Preserve Them for Collection

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has taken another step toward ensuring that no one profits from bribery by obtaining a court order allowing to the seizure of up to $8 million in assets from Sam Randazzo, former chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio (PUCO).


Local Government Inaction Puts $800 Million Opioid Settlement at Risk

With 86% of the state’s litigating political subdivisions having joined the OneOhio Opioid Settlement agreement, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost today strongly urged the holdouts to avoid playing politics and get onboard.


Spurred by AG Yost’s Lawsuit, Census Bureau Releases Data to States

The U.S. Census Bureau today released population data needed for Ohio’s upcoming redistricting process after a lawsuit filed by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost compelled the bureau to produce it six weeks earlier than planned.


Yost, Other Attorneys General Encourage FCC to Shorten Deadline for Installation of Anti-Robocall Technology

The flood of robocalls pouring into Ohio every day has prompted Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to call on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to move up the deadline for all telephone companies to implement caller ID technology meant to weed out the unwelcome calls and thwart related consumer scams.


AG Yost Adds Jones, Dowling, Randazzo as Defendants in Amended FirstEnergy Racketeering Lawsuit

Attorney General Dave Yost today expanded his landmark racketeering lawsuit in the FirstEnergy/Larry Householder scandal to include new defendants and additional factual allegations based on recent filings by the U.S. Department of Justice in its criminal case.


Proposed Statute to Expand Legal Marijuana in Ohio Rejected Over Summary

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office today rejected the summary for a proposed statute that would add a chapter to the Ohio Revised Code to control and regulate cannabis use by adults.


BCI Investigation of Officer-Involved Shooting at Hospital Submitted to Prosecutor

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost today announced that the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) has referred the investigation of the April fatal officer-involved critical incident at Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Hospital to Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Gary Tyack.

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