Business and Unemployment Compensation – What You Need to Know – This presentation provides an overview of the different types of employers and employees in the context of unemployment compensation. Considered are domestic employers and employees, public-entity employers and employees, agricultural employers and employees, non-profit employers and employees, and individuals considered employees for purposes of unemployment compensation tax reporting. Also discussed is the difference between an employee and an independent contractor.
Unemployment Taxes – This presentation examines the numerous facets and issues surrounding unemployment taxes. Discussed are wages, taxable wage bases, the consequences of failing to file unemployment compensation tax reports, the consequences of failing to file unemployment compensation tax reports in a timely fashion, the consequences of failing to pay unemployment compensation taxes, the consequences of failing to pay unemployment taxes in a timely fashion, how to correct wage details and/or quarterly tax reports, where to obtain extra forms, employer registration, employer account numbers, reporting requirements, unemployment compensation tax problems, audits, the consequences of failing to file payment reports, the consequences of failing to file payment reports in a timely fashion, notices of failure to file, notices of an investigation of an unemployment claim, appealing an audit finding, fraudulent employers, contribution rates, rate notifications, experience rates, mutualized rates, new employer rates, delinquency rates, penalty rates, employer tax appeals, waivers of unemployment compensation tax forfeiture or interest, waivers of forfeiture, and, waivers of interest.
Responding to an Unemployment Compensation Claim – This presentation reviews the various components of unemployment compensation claims. Topics examined include requests for separation information, information that the agency will need from the employer, how the agency determines if a displaced worker receives benefits, how to disagree with a benefits decision, the employer’s appeal rights for claimant benefits, timely appeals, how to file an appeal from a re-determination, and, how to file an appeal to a court of common pleas.