Health Care Fraud Workshops
Training and Education > Health Care Fraud Workshops

Health Care Fraud Workshops


Medicaid Fraud 101

This presentation offers an overview of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s statutory authority, particularly as it pertains to the investigation and prosecution of Medicaid provider fraud and related crimes.  At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:  (A) Define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s role in the overall scheme of Medicaid program integrity; (B) define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s statutory authority and jurisdiction; (C) define the terms “fraud” and “Medicaid Fraud,” and list some of the most common schemes by which providers defraud Medicaid; and (D) define current trends in Ohio Medicaid provider fraud (90-120 minutes).

Medicaid Fraud 102

This presentation offers a review of the information covered in “Medicaid Fraud 101,” encouraging a practical application of this information with a focus on Medicaid provider fraud referrals.  At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: (A) Define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s role in the overall scheme of Medicaid program integrity; (B) define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s statutory authority and jurisdiction; (C) define the terms “fraud” and “Medicaid Fraud,” and list some of the most common schemes by which providers defraud Medicaid; and (D) define the elements of a “quality” provider fraud referral, and gain experience vetting actual provider fraud referrals (90-120 minutes).

Patient Abuse and Neglect

This presentation offers an overview of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s statutory authority, particularly as it pertains to the investigation of patient abuse, patient neglect, the financial exploitation of care facility residents, and related crimes.  At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:  (A) Define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s role in protecting Ohio’s care facility residents; (B) define the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s statutory authority and jurisdiction; (C) define the terms “patient abuse” and “patient neglect,” and identify the elements associated with these offenses; and (D) list some of the most common schemes by which care facility residents are exploited (60-90 minutes).