Bonus News
(6/13/2024 12:40:58 PM)
Attorney General Dave Yost’s office provides legal representation to the state of Ohio, including its many agencies, offices, boards, commissions and higher education institutions. The office’s work brings criminals to justice, preserves Ohioans’ rights and protects the in...
(7/17/2012 2:06:56 PM)
Two Days in May
Dates are set for 2025 Two Days in May Conference Two Days in May 2024 This year’s conference was held May 8-9 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center with nearly 1,000 attendees. Check back this fall for information on submitting workshop proposals and other details of the...
(7/24/2012 3:54:39 PM)
On April 15, 2000, the landlord of the victim, 19-year old Chrishana Logan, discovered her body in the living room of the upstairs apartment. Ms. Logan was last seen alive by her landlord between 4:45am-5:15am on April 15 when she returned home. The victim's cause of death r...
(8/1/2012 1:21:22 PM)
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