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Professional Standards
The BCI team’s constant dedication to integrity, professionalism, cooperation and commitment has led to the respect of investigators and scientists the world over. International accreditation bodies regularly confirm that the bureau complies with the highest of professional s... (8/31/2021 11:35:00 AM)
Regional Offices
760 Boardman Canfield Rd, Suite 2 Youngstown, Ohio 44512 (330) 884-7500 1225 Woodlawn Avenue Cambridge, Ohio 43725 Effective September 30, 2021 this office is closed. 86 Columbus Circle Suite 202 Athens, Ohio 45701 Phone: 740-249-4378 Services at this Loca... (11/14/2012 4:26:18 PM)
WebCheck locations Missing Persons Unsolved Homicides Concealed Carry Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission OPOTA Karen Kwek 740-845-2553 | Kwek has been a member of the AGO/BCI Laboratory team since 1999. She started as... (8/31/2021 11:34:25 AM)
Fugitive Safe Surrender
Tens of thousands of fugitives are present in the state of Ohio. Many are wanted for violent crimes, non-violent felonies and misdemeanor infractions. It is law enforcement’s responsibility to apprehend these fugitives. These duties are among the most dangerous faced by autho... (7/25/2012 9:04:23 AM)
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