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Civilian Services
This unit verifies all incoming civilian and criminal fingerprint transactions identified with an existing BCI record. Fingerprint examiners also classify, file and search fingerprint files and process all sealing and expungement requests . Tools include the Ohio AFIS (Autom... (8/31/2021 2:34:15 PM)
Requesting Your Own Criminal Records
Computerized criminal history records maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) are not public record, and the authorized release of such information is limited. However, individuals have the ability to request a copy of their own computerized criminal history ... (11/14/2013 11:02:25 AM)
Division Units
This unit verifies all incoming civilian and criminal fingerprint transactions identified with an existing BCI record. Fingerprint examiners also classify, file and search fingerprint files and process all sealing and expungement requests . Tools include the Ohio AFIS (Autom... (8/31/2021 2:34:00 PM)
Apply for Victims Compensation Representative for Capital Crimes Victims Trainings for Victim Advocates Two Days in May Victim Notification (VINE) Victims Services Directory VOCA/SVAA Grants for Advocates Submit a Law Enforcement Tip Finding Words ... (7/19/2012 9:42:55 AM)
About BCI
BCI Overview Booklet On the Job newsletter Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation 1560 State Rt. 56 SW, P.O. Box 365 London, OH 43140 Phone: 855-BCI-OHIO (855-224-6446) Guiding Principles Leaders Professional standards Contacts & locatio... (8/31/2021 10:37:52 AM)
In the News
WebCheck locations Missing Persons Unsolved Homicides Concealed Carry Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission OPOTA In the News Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation 1560 State Rt. 56 SW, P.O. Box 365 London, OH 43140 Phone: 855-BCI-OHIO (85... (8/31/2021 11:34:14 AM)
Tools for the Justice System
WebCheck, a background check program for civilian use, is a major component of Ohio’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System. It allows law enforcement and other public agencies to electronically submit background check requests and information to BCI. In cooperation wi... (8/31/2021 2:34:31 PM)
Individuals and Families
Tens of thousands of consumers turn to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office each year to obtain: Help resolving consumer issues. Tips on avoiding scams and deceptive practices. Guidance on debts owed to the state. Information on a wide range of other topics. Learn more o... (7/19/2012 7:46:10 AM)
Bureau of Criminal Investigation
  About BCI More about the 100-year-old state bureau Identification Division Ohio’s central repository for criminal records Laboratory Division Forensic testing that helps solve crimes OHLEG The web platform that connects peace of... (7/20/2012 11:20:07 AM)
Submit an OHLEG Success Story Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission Attorney General’s Office History 2005 A new Ohio law requires DNA collection from all felony offenders, including for nonviolent offenders. The importance was proved the next year when D... (8/31/2021 11:33:52 AM)
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