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Attorney General DeWine Offers Gym Membership Tips Ahead of the New Year

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today offered advice for consumers who plan to join a gym or fitness center in the New Year.


Former Sandusky County Sheriff's Office Detective Indicted

A former Sandusky County Sheriff's Office detective has been indicted for alleged crimes related to his work in that office.


Eight Pilot Counties Chosen for Foster Care Recruitment Program

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced today that eight counties hit hard by the opioid epidemic have been chosen to participate in a family finding and foster family recruitment program DeWine announced in August.


Attorney General DeWine Announces Consumer Protection Action Against Columbus Used Car Seller

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced a consumer protection lawsuit against a Columbus used car seller accused of failing to deliver vehicle titles to customers.


Research from AG’s Sexual Assault Kit Testing Initiative Helps Highlight Best Practices in Rape Kit Forensic Testing

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced new research supporting evidence that a rape kit should be collected and sent to a forensic laboratory as soon as possible for the best chance of identifying a DNA profile that could someday lead to a suspect.


Attorney General DeWine Honored with Freedom Award by American Nationalities Movement

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine was honored this weekend by the American Nationalities Movement with its Freedom Award. DeWine received the award  at the organization's annual Christmas event Saturday in Parma.


Attorney General DeWine Warns of Grant Scams

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today warned Ohioans to beware of phony offers for federal grants. In recent weeks, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office has received dozens of reports of grant scams from people across Ohio.


Attorney General DeWine Files Consumer Protection Action Against Cleveland Used Car Seller

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced a consumer protection lawsuit against a Cleveland used car seller accused of failing to deliver vehicle titles to customers.


Statement from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine on Columbus Crew

Today, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine issued the following statement regarding his office’s review of Ohio Revised Code provisions regarding a potential move by the Columbus Crew to Austin, Texas:


Attorney General DeWine Calls for Lock Closure to Protect Lake Erie from Asian Carp

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today urged the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to close a lock in waters near Illinois to prevent invasive Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes.

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