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Open Book

Legislative Update: Virtual Meetings – They’re Back Until July 1, 2022!

As public bodies throughout Ohio are well aware, the state’s Open Meetings Act (Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22) requires that members of a public body be present “in person” to be counted as part of a quorum and to deliberate, discuss or vote on any issue considered at the meeting. During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio General Assembly provided a temporary statutory exception to the “in person” requirement that allowed public bodies to meet virtually. That exception expired June 30, 2021.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the General Assembly re-instituted a limited-time exception (Sub. H.B. 51, 134th General Assembly), which again temporarily permits public bodies to meet virtually. The measure was passed on an emergency basis, and Gov. Mike DeWine signed it into law, making it immediately effective.

This means that public bodies may again hold meetings via teleconference, videoconference or any similar electronic technology and still have the meeting considered “in person” for purposes of the Open Meetings Act. Once again, this exception is temporary; it will expire July 1, 2022. The Ohio Attorney General’s Office will continue to update you on any other legislative changes.