Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

AG pursues scammers

The Consumer Protection Section’s Economic Crimes Division helps local law enforcement and prosecutors identify, investigate, and prosecute consumer fraud of a criminal nature.


Addressing the epidemic

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office is prepared to help local authorities fight Ohio’s prescription drug abuse epidemic on multiple fronts.

Unintentional drug overdoses killed 1,373 Ohioans in 2009, an average of nearly four a day.


A conversation with Ohio’s Attorney General

‘The job of the attorney general is to assist local law enforcement — the sheriffs, police, prosecutors, and coroners — in doing their jobs. If we can help them become more effective through the tools we have, then we’re doing our job.’

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has made it a priority to assist and support the work of local law enforcement, prosecutors, and victim advocates. Here are some topics he covered during a recent interview:


20th Two Days in May attracts more than 1,000

The Ohio Attorney General’s 20th annual Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance attracted 1,065 attendees to take part in 35 workshops and several general sessions in mid-May.

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