Media > Newsletters > On the Job: Criminal Justice Update > Summer 2017 > Did you know?
On the Job 
Criminal Justice Update
Did you know?
Since the passage of House Bill 366 in 2014, hospice providers have been required to request that any opioids remaining after a patient’s treatment or death be turned over to hospice by the family for disposal. (The disposal occurs at the patient’s home and is witnessed.)
The law was passed in an effort to prevent opioid abuse.
If the family fails to turn over the opioid medications, the hospice is required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 3712.062 to file a “Suspected Diversion Reporting Form for Controlled Substances Containing Opioids” with local law enforcement for an investigation.
“The local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the territory in which the hospice patient's home is located shall investigate and dispose of the remaining controlled substances containing opioids that were reported to the agency,” according to the ORC.