Offering free training courses that increase law enforcement agencies’ capacity to protect kids is a major priority of the Crimes Against Children Initiative. To register for courses highlighted below, visit
Upcoming courses
Investigating Crimes Against Children is a one-day course that covers basic investigative techniques related to crimes against children, including prosecutorial considerations. All sessions run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
May 7, Owens Community College, Perrysburg
May 29, Hocking College, Nelsonville
June 4, OPOTA Richfield Campus
June 10, Columbus Police Academy
June 19, Mason Police Department
Interdiction for the Protection of Children is a two-day course that trains patrol officers on missing children and child exploitation indicators they may encounter during routine contacts and traffic stops. It focuses on interdiction, intelligence gathering, investigations, and identifying victims and offenders.
May 14–15, OPOTA Richfield
May 16–17, Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy, Columbus
Future opportunities
The Attorney General’s Office will expand its symposium on crimes against children to a full day during the Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Conference in October. Last year’s symposium drew 50 officers and prosecutors who handle child exploitation cases.
The office also is working with the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to present additional courses.