Media > Newsletters > On the Job: Criminal Justice Update > Spring 2014 > From the Attorney General
On the Job 
Criminal Justice Update
From the Attorney General
I was raised in a family that placed extraordinary emphasis on customer service. My grandparents ran a small seed business in Yellow Springs, and my parents built the operation into a leading exporter of seed grains and grasses. That doesn’t happen without caring deeply about your customers’ satisfaction, and I’ll be forever grateful to my parents and grandparents for passing that value on to me.
As Attorney General, I have the privilege of heading an office that serves many kinds of customers. I am particularly proud of the assistance we provide to law enforcement and prosecutors, who share our commitment to protect Ohio’s families.
For instance, the Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU), featured in this issue’s cover story, responds immediately to time-sensitive law enforcement requests, providing spot-on intelligence and worldwide connections. CIU is part of BCI’s new Investigative Services group, which puts service front and center. All of the units and tools under this umbrella are available to help local law enforcement with investigations and emergency response.
Indeed, all of BCI stands ready to assist with your investigative, identification, and laboratory needs, and all of its services are available at no cost to law enforcement and prosecutors. We have made huge strides in BCI’s ability to respond quickly while broadening the range of services available.
The Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission assists local law enforcement through its specialized task forces. It tackles crime region by region, issue by issue — an approach that helps agencies bring down criminal enterprises.
The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy has greatly expanded its offerings in recent years. It provides officers with courses and simulator-based training around the state, an impressive lineup of courses at its London and Richfield facilities, and more than 80 online classes.
Many sections of the office work directly with local prosecutors. Special Prosecutions can lead or assist with specialized cases or in the event of a conflict of interest, and Appeals helps with cases in higher courts or provides support through amicus briefs. The Economic Crimes Unit, highlighted on Page 4, helps agencies investigate and prosecute crimes involving fraud and scams.
These are just a few examples of the ways we’re working harder and smarter every day to serve our customers. If you have suggestions for how we can improve our service, I urge you to let us know.
Contact us with your needs
• Bureau of Criminal Investigation: 855-BCI-OHIO (855-224-6446)
• Economic Crimes Unit: 614-466-8831
• Organized Crime Investigations Commission: 614-277-1000
• Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy: 740-845-2700
• Special Prosecutions: 614-629-8340