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Don’t Fall For Romance Scams This Valentine’s Day

If celebrating Valentine’s Day has you ready to meet your next potential mate, be careful of scammers lurking on dating websites, social media and virtual chat rooms.


Top Complaints of 2020

In 2020, the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section received over 24,000 complaints. Read on to learn the top complaint categories handled last year and more.


AG Yost Issues Warning to Ohioans to Watch for Covid-19 Vaccine Scams

While much of the news involving COVID-19 vaccines is positive and welcomed by Ohioans, scammers are plotting their latest scams to take your personal information and money. Read on for help to protect yourself.


Ohio Attorney General Launches Animated Scam Video Series

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office launched a new multi-media outreach initiative to increase Ohioans’ awareness of COVID-19 scams, identity theft and red flags of scams. Read on for details about this new initiative.


Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Unfortunately, data breaches are all too common these days. Now more than ever, then, Ohioans should take precautions against identity theft.


Getting A New Device? Take Steps to Secure It and Stay Safe

If a new electronic device is on your wish list or that of a loved one, don’t forget to look for red flags before downloading any apps and to review key elements of an app’s privacy policy. These and other tips can help protect both the device and its owner.


Watch Out For False Promises When Fulfilling New Year’s Resolutions

Does your New Year’s resolution include losing weight or getting in shape? You’re not alone. Be sure to protect yourself as a consumer when signing up for a gym membership or buying nutritional products.


What To Know About Giving Gift Cards

Gift cards are popular presents during the year-end holiday season. But not all gift cards are alike. Before making any purchases, you should understand some basics about gift cards, including card expiration dates and signs of potential scams.


Watch Out for Energy Scams and Learn Where to Get Assistance

Ohioans should be on the alert for scammers posing as utility company representatives, and threatening to discontinue service to the customer unless the consumer provides personal information or immediate payment for utility service. Read on to learn more about these utility scams as well as where to turn if you need payment assistance.


Consumers Bombarded with Credit Card Interest Rate Phone Calls

Whether they want them or not, many consumers are receiving robocalls telling them they are eligible for a lower interest rate on their credit card. Most likely, these calls are more than annoying – they’re also part of a scam. Read about these calls and what to do if you are really interested in a lower rate.


October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Online Tips for Parents

With the global pandemic, many parents and their children are turning more often to online resources using devices such as tablets, smartphones and laptop computers. Read on to apply cybersmart tips to help keep you and your children safe while online.


Tips to Shop Smart During Black Friday Sales

Time will fly by, and before you know it, Ohioans will start their holiday shopping. As like many things this year, in-person shopping on Black Friday may be different than usual. Whether online or in-person, consumers should understand their rights to shop smart this holiday season.


CyberSmarts for Older Adults

More often, older adults are using devices such as smartphones and tablets to connect to the internet. Especially in light of COVID-19, they have found themselves using the internet for tasks they might have otherwise completed in person, from ordering groceries to coordinating home deliveries. Read on to apply cybersmart tips from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.


AG Yost Continues to Hold Nuisance Robocallers Accountable

With the goal of making Ohio the toughest state for illegal robocallers to operate in, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has continued to fight the growing nuisance with enforcement action that seeks to hold perpetrators accountable.


COVID-19 General Purchasing Questions

As consumers get used to the gradual reopening of the economy and rescheduling of events that have been postponed or canceled, it’s a good time to review policies and procedures for COVID-19 related openings and closings, ticketed events, deposits for venues and gift cards.


A COVID Twist to Common Scams

Don’t let fear and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 make you fall victim to a scam. Thieves are on the prowl with scams relating to contact tracers, economic impact payments and used cars.


Is That Debt Collection Call Legitimate or Phony?

Debt collectors make a living by getting consumers to pay up. Naturally, this occupation is a popular disguise for scammers who want you to pay them instead.


Watch Out for Home Improvement Scammers

As outside temperatures heat up, Ohioans will no doubt be faced with decisions for home improvement projects ranging from staining decks to installing new roofs.


Protect Your Data When Moving From One Electronic Device to Another

Upgrading devices can be exciting, with all the potential for better pictures, faster processing speeds, expanded memory and new core functions. Before you dive in to setting up your new device, make sure to remove your personal information from your old device.


Check With Your Lender Before Taking out a High-Interest, Short-Term Loan

As a result of COVID-19, many Ohioans are now facing unemployment or uncertainty about the length of their employment. Explore and understand your options before taking out a high-interest, short-term loan.


Beware of Phony Work-From-Home Offers and Other Job-Related Scams

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected businesses and their employees. Ohioans searching for new job opportunities should beware of employment scams, such as fake offers to work from home.


Follow These Legitimate Resources for Accurate COVID-19 Updates

Turning to credible sources for the latest COVID-19 news will keep you informed while helping to stop the spread of misinformation. Read on to find reliable resources.  


AG Yost Warns of an Outbreak of Scams Related to Coronavirus

Scammers are taking advantage of the fear and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 to prey on consumers. Protect yourself with tips from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.


Tax Filers: Beware of Scams and “Ghost” Tax Preparers

Ohioans filing their taxes should be on the lookout for potential scams, including “ghost” tax preparers. Read on to prevent yourself from becoming a tax scammer’s next victim.


Ohioans Alerted to Fake Third-Party License Services

Consumers should be cautious when using the web to purchase a government-regulated permit, such as a dog or fishing license. Third-party websites are cleverly disguising themselves to look like official government agency websites, but they will take your money and provide nothing in return.


Apple Customers be on Alert: iCloud and AppleCare Scam Calls Making Their Rounds

Apple customers may be vulnerable to imposter scams where con artists pose as Apple employees. Learn how to protect yourself with our consumer tips.


Answer Only the Real Government Census, Not Scams

2020 is a census year! Once every ten years, the U.S. government conducts the census, but with so many scams out there, it’s vital to discern between the real census and imposter surveys designed to steal personal information. Read on for clues to help ensure the census you respond to this year is the real one.


Phony Emails Request Purchases of Gift Cards for Boss or Pastor

Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams involve a con artist impersonating someone with decision-making authority by using a hacked or spoofed email account.

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