When it comes to fighting fraud, the best offense is a good defense, which is why the Attorney General’s Office offers a wide range of consumer protection presentations to educate older adults about the latest trends and scams. Representatives from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office are available to provide important information about fraud, cybersecurity, identity theft and, most importantly, how to protect yourself and your wallet.
The newest presentation available is Senior Advocate Fraud Education (SAFE). The SAFE presentation educates caregivers, social workers, seniors, and their families about a number of topics, including:
Avoiding common scams
Guarding against identity theft
Protecting against credit and debit card fraud
Practicing safe investing
Maintaining safe and fraud free environments
Attendees will receive a SAFE Toolkit, which includes a written guide outlining common scams and a DVD presentation. Continuing Education Credit (1.5 credit hours) is available for social workers who attend a SAFE presentation.
To help older adults fight back against fraud, the Attorney General’s Office also offers a Senior Scams presentation. Attendees will learn how and why seniors are targeted and the red flags of a scam.
Lastly, Financial Fraud Targeting Older Adults trains senior administrators and caregivers to recognize signs that an older adult is a victim of financial fraud. Participants also learn about helpful consumer resources and how to report scams and other problems to appropriate organizations. Continuing Education Credit (1 credit hour) is available for social workers who attend this presentation.
If your organization is interested in scheduling a consumer protection presentation, visit
www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/ConsumerWorkshops or call 800-282-0515.