Are you a teacher?
Senior citizen? Child of a senior?
Have financial planning concerns or questions?
Involved with running a bingo game?
Do you have to learn about Ohio’s Sunshine Laws?
Provide help to victims of crime?
Member of law enforcement?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ll want to sign up for the Ohio Attorney General’s Events calendar updates.
Take the free training offered for teachers. The Ohio Attorney General’s Office has teamed up with the state treasurer, Department of Education and Ohio Centers for Economic Education to offer resources for teachers so schools can meet the requirement that Ohio high school students get personal finance training.
Or maybe it would benefit you to attend Bingo School. Bingo operators, volunteers in an organization and anyone thinking about charitable games are encouraged to attend so you’ll know how to operate bingo by the book.
When you visit, look for the Events calendar on the right side of the home page. There, you can scroll down and find the RSS feed and sign up for automatic updates.