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Keeping Bidders Honest at Online Government Auctions

The competitive bidding process is designed to facilitate transparency and accountability in procurement, provide bidders with a fair and equal chance to compete for and potentially be awarded a bid, and allow purchasers to receive the best value and quality for the goods and services that they seek. As such, public purchasers rely on the competitive bidding process to best provide for the communities that they serve and safeguard the taxpayers’ money from bad actors or unscrupulous deals.


Viruses are not the Only Dangers That Lurk in Times of Crisis

Crises can bring out the best in people. In times of war, natural disasters, or pandemics like COVID-19, heroic individuals always seem to rise to the occasion. 


TV Screens and Karaoke Bars – A Strange Case of Collusion

Price-fixing occurs when two or more competing businesses conspire with each other to set pricing at certain price points in order to increase revenue.


It Pays to Stay in School

Judy Green was a public schoolteacher of more than 30 years, who used her knowledge of the E-Rate program, a funding program for schools, to market an illegal bid-rigging scheme to low-income, undeserved community schools.


Fast-Food Chains Agree to Remove No-Poach Agreements

Ever wonder if the grass is greener elsewhere? Employees of Dunkin’ Brands, Arby’s, Five Guy Burgers and Fries, and Little Caesars are now able to find out.


Be on the Lookout for Anything that ‘Smells Fishy’

State and federal antitrust enforcers investigate various kinds of anticompetitive conduct that impede free and fair competition, and disadvantage consumers.


User-Friendly Tools Added to New ‘Partnership for Competitive Purchasing’ Website

The Ohio Attorney General’s Partnership for Competitive Purchasing is undergoing big changes.  The modifications are designed to help us better help you – Ohio’s public purchasers – with bid-rigging detection and prevention.


The Top Ten Things You Might Not be Keeping in Your Bid Files … But Should

Everyone loves a good Letterman-style “Top 10” list.  And while a list focused on what documents you should be retaining in your procurement files after the contract is awarded certainly won’t score high enough on the comedic scale to find its way onto late-night television, it is nevertheless an important tool in achieving one of every public entity’s most important goals – making tax dollars go as far as possible.


The Intelligence is Artificial, but the Conspiracy is Real

Price-fixing occurs when competing businesses conspire to raise, lower, or maintain the prices of goods or services at certain price points.


Send Us Your Questions and Ideas

We encourage you to suggest a topic or ask a question of the legal staff of the Ohio Attorney General’s Antitrust Section.

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