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Alum Investigation Continues; Municipalities Urged to Submit Information

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office is continuing to investigate an alleged bid-rigging scheme affecting purchasers of aluminum sulfate, otherwise known as alum. 

Alum is a chemical that is used to treat both waste and drinking water. 

The Ohio Attorney General is authorized by law to represent municipalities and public entities in antitrust matters such as this one. If your municipality or other public entity uses alum, or another similar water treatment chemical called ferric chloride, please contact the Attorney General’s Antitrust Section to send us information about your water treatment facility’s chemical purchases. Visit the water treatment purchases page of our website to find links you can use to submit information.

Your information is vital to helping us determine who may have been affected by this alleged conspiracy and the amount by which each may have been harmed. Time is of the essence, so we hope to hear from you soon.