Issues: Can an individual with a sincerely held religious belief ask for her Sabbath off every week as a reasonable accommodation when her co-workers are claiming that this creates an undue hardship on them?
Ohio’s laws against discrimination, spelled out in Ohio Revised Code 4112.02(J), prohibit people from aiding or abetting unlawful discriminatory practices.
Issue: Do the provisions of the Fair Housing Act only provide legal protection against acts that have made housing unavailable or resulted in the denial of housing to a protected class?
Welcome to the first issue of the Civil Rights Reporter, an Ohio Attorney General’s Office newsletter aimed at raising awareness of Ohio’s laws against discrimination as well as important civil rights issues and cases.
Issue: Is employer ordered counseling a medical appointment and therefore restricted by the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12112(d)(4)(A)) which does not allow employers to compel employees to submit to medical examination except in specific circumstances?