News Releases
Media > News Releases > December 2015

News Releases

Ohio Planned Parenthood Investigation Reveals Fetal Remains Disposed of in Landfills

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced that his office has concluded its investigation into the alleged sale of fetal tissue by Planned Parenthood affiliates. While the investigation did not find any indication that fetal tissue was sold by Planned Parenthood affiliates in Ohio, the investigation did reveal that that aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood facilities are ultimately disposed of in landfill sites.


Attorney General DeWine Calls for Uniform Pre-Certification Requirements for Peace Officer Applicants

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today called on the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) to adopt uniform pre-certification standards for all applicants to Ohio peace officer basic training academies. The request would implement several recommendations of the Ohio Attorney General’s Advisory Group on Law Enforcement Training, which issued a report of findings and recommendations in April 2015.


State of Ohio Reaches $6.5 Million Settlement with Willard & Kelsey Solar Group for Unpaid Loans

The Ohio Development Services Agency (DSA), the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (OAQDA), and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office today announced that the three agencies have reached a $6.5 million settlement with a Perrysburg manufacturing company for unpaid loans. The settlement and payment to the state resolve collections actions against Willard & Kelsey Solar Group for loans owed to DSA and OAQDA.


Attorney General DeWine Issues Sexual Assault Kit Testing Initiative Update for December

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today released a status update on the progress of DNA testing being conducted as part of the Ohio Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Kit Testing Initiative.


Attorney General DeWine Announces RadioShack Gift-Card Holders May be Eligible for Refunds

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced that consumers who have unused gift cards from the former RadioShack can file claims to seek refunds for remaining card balances.


Ohioans Report Spike in “IRS” Imposter Scams

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today warned that his office has seen an increase in reports of the IRS imposter scam, in which con artists tell consumers they are in trouble with the IRS.


Attorney General DeWine Warns Consumers and Businesses to Avoid Charity Scams

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today offered good giving tips and introduced a new charity guide for businesses to help Ohioans avoid charity scams this holiday season.

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