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Media > News Releases > August 2012 > Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Workers' Compensation Announce Convictions of Husband and Wife

News Releases

Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Workers' Compensation Announce Convictions of Husband and Wife


(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation  Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer announced today the convictions of a husband and wife who worked together to defraud the state of nearly $175,000.

Robin Hammond pleaded guilty today to a felony charge of Workers' Compensation Fraud, while her husband Randy Hammond pleaded guilty to a felony Complicity to Workers' Compensation charge.  Investigators said the couple, from Galion, grossly exaggerated injuries Robin Hammond allegedly suffered while working in a nursing home.

Investigators said the couple claimed Robin Hammond was confined to a wheelchair after developing Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) from injuring her shoulder.  The pair said the disease spread throughout her body, leaving the woman unable to use her arms and legs.

"This couple had many people convinced.  Doctors, family members, and friends all believed Robin Hammond was severely disabled," said Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine.  "But evidence gathered by my office and the Bureau of Workers' Compensation found that it was all an elaborate act, and we are thankful to the person who tipped off investigators."

After receiving the allegation that Robin Hammond had full use of her extremities, investigators with the Bureau of Workers' Compensation conducted surveillance on the couple.  Video recordings showed Randy Hammond pushing his wife in a wheelchair to and from medical appointments.  On most other occasions, however, investigators said Robin Hammond showed no signs of having lost the use of her limbs. Recordings showed her walking unassisted, driving, climbing stairs, holding and carrying items, and grocery shopping.

"This troubling video shows the Hammonds' clear and blatant misuse of the workers' compensation system," said BWC Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer.  "While no fraud case is small, this one has to be among the more brazen attempts to exaggerate an injury. I am pleased with the thorough work of our investigators and assistance from Attorney General DeWine in bringing this case to a close so we can put these funds to work assisting those who have truly been injured on the job."

After investigators interviewed Robin Hammond about the allegations, the couple fled the state.  Attorney General DeWine issued a nationwide warrant for their arrests, and they were later located in Hurricane, Utah.  The couple was extradited back to Ohio to face charges.

After pleading guilty to the charges against them, a judge ordered the couple to repay the Bureau of Workers' Compensation $173,322.  Robin Hammond was sentenced to one year in prison with possible judicial release after six months.  Randy Hammond received five years of community control.

Booking Photos:

Robin Hammond
Randy Hammond

Surveillance Video:

Bureau of Workers' Compensation Video

Please Note: There are several people seen in the video. Randy and Robin Hammond are the only people who faced charges in connection with this investigation.

Media Contacts:

Dan Tierney: 614-466-3840
Jill Del Greco: 614-466-3840

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