Individuals and Families > Services for Victims > Human Trafficking Initiative > Warning signs of trafficking
Warning signs of trafficking
All Ohioans can play a role in combating human trafficking by reporting suspicious activity based on these warning signs:
The potential victim:
- Is not in control of identification documents or money.
- Has inconsistent or well-rehearsed story about where he/she lives, the relationship with the person he/she is with or how he/she traveled to the current location.
- Is in presence of an overtly controlling or concerned male or female friend or boyfriend/girlfriend.
- Is in possession of multiple hotel key cards, prepaid credit cards or cellphones.
- Shows signs of physical, mental or emotional abuse.
- Is unable to come and go as he/she pleases.
The potential victim:
- Appears to live at the place of employment.
- Is transported in a group by the employer or someone who is part of employer’s organization.
- Experiences restricted or monitored movement.
- Is not in control of identification documents.
- Earns wages below the state’s minimum wage.
- Is constantly indebted to the employer.
- Shows signs of physical abuse, isolation and starvation.
- Works long hours in poor conditions.