Human Trafficking Initiative
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Ohio Human Trafficking Hotline: We need your tips to end the scourge

Ohio’s statewide Human Trafficking Hotline is live, and you can help by reporting any suspicious activity you notice throughout the state.

“Having a locally operated, round-the-clock resource means providing critical tips to law enforcement in real time,” Attorney General Dave Yost says. “It means our officers and task forces have a better shot at rescuing victims and bringing traffickers to justice.”

The non-emergency hotline number – 844-END-OHHT (844-363-6448) – funnels incoming tips about suspected sex and labor trafficking directly to law enforcement. All tips are reviewed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s Criminal Intelligence Unit and forwarded to the appropriate human trafficking task force and local law enforcement agency in Ohio – all of whom are experienced in investigating allegations of human trafficking.

In an emergency, always call 911 right away – instead of using the hotline.

Any of the following options will connect you to the Ohio Human Trafficking Hotline:

Four ways to reach the hotline

If you prefer to use our apps, they can be downloaded here:

Download END-OHHT on Apple:

Download END-OHHT on Apple
Download END-OHHT on Android:

Download END-OHHT on Android

If you prefer to provide a tip online, just fill out the form below – and be sure to include any relevant photographs or videos.