Individuals and Families

Individuals and Families > Consumers > Requesting Your Own Criminal Records

Requesting Your Own Criminal Records

Computerized criminal history records maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) are not public record, and the authorized release of such information is limited. However, individuals have the ability to request a copy of their own computerized criminal history from BCI to review for accuracy and completeness.  To receive a copy of your criminal history record, please follow the instructions below.

Procedure for Requesting Criminal Records

You can obtain information concerning your criminal record maintained at BCI by submitting all of the following:

  1. The complete name, current address, and other identifying characteristics of the individual whose records are sought;
  2. A complete set of fingerprints of the individual whose records are sought;
  3. The signed consent of the individual whose records are sought; and
  4. A business check, money order, or electronic payment in the amount of $22.00 made payable to the “Treasurer of State of Ohio.”

Electronic fingerprints can be submitted at the following BCI locations:

BCI London
1560 State Route 56 SW
London, Ohio 43140

BCI Bowling Green
750 North College Drive
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

BCI Richfield
4055 Highlander Parkway
Richfield, Ohio 44286

BCI Youngstown
20 W. Federal Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44503

Alternatively, you may provide the required information for a background check and electronically submit your fingerprints through a WebCheck provider in your area.  To find a WebCheck provider who can assist with the submission of fingerprints, follow this link: A convenience fee may be charged by the WebCheck vendor.

Please remember to bring a valid photo ID with you when submitting fingerprints.  Minors seeking the release of their criminal history must provide a waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian.

Challenging the Contents of Your Criminal Record

You may challenge the contents of your computerized criminal history if—after receiving it—you believe it is incorrect. To do so, you will need to collect any available proof or corroboration to prove your claim and contact the agency responsible for what you believe to be the incorrect information.  Often that agency is the county sheriff;s office, the local police department, or the municipal or common pleas court that made the entry.  Note that BCI does not maintain a file of court documents that can serve this purpose.

Additional Resources

Other agencies that may be able to assist you include:

  • The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles – 614-752-7500
  • The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections – 614-752-1159
  • The Ohio Department of Youth Services – 614-466-4314
  • OHLEG Help Desk – 866-406-4534
  • BCI Criminal Identification Section – 740-845-2000