Consumer Protection Presentations
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Consumer Protection Presentations

Request a Consumer Protection Presentation

The Ohio Attorney General is committed to protecting Ohio consumers from scams, fraud, and other unscrupulous business practices. In addition to investigating, prosecuting, and litigating consumer complaints, the Ohio Attorney General has developed a prevention program to educate Ohio consumers before they become victims.

If your organization would like to host a presentation, complete our presentation request form or contact us at 800-282-0515.

* Please note that due to the high demand for our presentations, we ask that at least 20 people be in attendance for all presentations.  Presentations are generally scheduled during business hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.), Monday through Friday. Depending on your needs, we may be able to accomodate your group with a virtual presentation. 

The available topics are:

Consumer Scams

Scammers use a variety of tactics to make their offers seem legitimate.  This presentation explores some of the most common types of scams faced by consumers today, as well as how to reduce your risk of identity theft. Learn to recognize the signs of a scam to protect yourself and those you care about.  

Cybersecurity Help, Information, and Protection Program (CHIPP)

As consumers of all ages rely more and more on technology, it is vital they understand how to protect their electronic devices and keep personal information private. Learn about the importance of both security and privacy, including the special challenges presented by the use of smartphones and other mobile devices. CHIPP presentations are customized according to the age of the audience, with teen and adult versions available.

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing trend among all populations across the nation.  Learn to protect yourself from identity theft and how to address the effects of identity theft should you become a victim.

Shop Smart: Know Your Rights

Ohio's consumer laws will protect you from the savviest scam artists… if only you knew what they were! The Ohio Attorney General's Office receives about 25,000 consumer complaints each year. Find out the top complaint categories and learn how to protect yourself from fraud.