Ohio Unsolved Homicides

Law Enforcement > Local Law Enforcement > Unidentified Remains

Unidentified Remains

Jane Doe, #3026  Unidentified remains

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Jane Doe, #3026
  • Case number: 3026
  • Incident location: 777 East 82nd Street
    Cleveland, Ohio - Cuyahoga County
  • Incident date: 7/3/1984
  • Homicide date: Unknown
  • Gender: Female
  • Race/Ethnicity: White
  • Height: 65", Measured
  • Weight: Cannot Estimate
  • Law enforcement agency: Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office


On 07/03/1984, an employee of the then-Madison Equipment Company at 777 East 82nd St., Cleveland, was lured to the south stairwell by three children stating there was a kitten in the boiler room of the factory. Three employees went to verify the children's story and found the body. Cleveland Police Department was called. The victim was approximately 22-28 years old. She was wearing a sleeveless sweater top, light colored bra, open-toed white sandal on the right foot, the other sandal was found nearby and a white metal ring on the ring finger of her right hand. Dentals are available for comparison.


Anyone with additional information or questions regarding this case should submit a tip.