FAQ > Public Utilities FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
A power line or gas pipeline is going to be built near my home. Who should I contact to find out what involvement I can have in this issue?
The Ohio Power Siting Board controls the installation of major utility facilities, including large power lines, some gas pipelines, and wind farms in Ohio. The Board’s authority derives from Chapter 4906 of the Ohio Revised Code and rules that it has adopted in the Ohio Administrative Code to efficiently process cases. These rules provide opportunities for public input through public information sessions and public hearings. You can access the Board’s website at
A utility company wants to take my property for a project or trim my trees and I don’t want them to. What are my rights?
You need to contact a private lawyer knowledgeable in real estate matters. Your local county bar association can help you find a knowledgeable lawyer.
Does the PUCO oversee retail cellular and cable/satellite television providers?
No. These matters are not regulated by the PUCO. Customer inquiries should initially be directed to the service provider. If issues persist, they may be directed to the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section at 800-282-0515.
I get my utility service from my local city and I have a dispute with them. What can the PUCO do for me?
Municipal utility services are not controlled at the state level. Many city utility departments maintain a customer service department which may be able to assist you. Alternatively, you may consider hiring a lawyer to represent you.
I have an inquiry or complaint about my utility service or my utility bill. What can I do about that?
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has a hotline to help individuals with utility-related problems. The PUCO can be contacted at 800-686-7826. If your question/inquiry cannot be resolved informally, the PUCO’s Staff may be able to assist you in filing a formal complaint under Section 4905.26 of the Ohio Revised Code.
What agencies does the Public Utilities Section represent?
The Public Utilities Section serves as the lawyer for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Ohio Power Siting Board.
What types of helpful public information does the PUCO’s website offer?
The website contains information on a wealth of subjects to assist the public, including helpful contact information to better inform utility customers about such matters as choosing their service provider or managing their usage and bills. You can access the PUCO’s website at