Frequently Asked Questions
How can an individual report suspected abuse, neglect, misappropriation of an individual with developmental disabilities?
How can an individual with developmental disabilities apply to become enrolled on a Medicaid Waiver?
How can I find a certified ODADAS provider in my area?
Go to
www.odadas.ohio.gov and click on the “Ohio Regional Map-Treatment” for a list contacts divided by region, throughout the state of Ohio.
How do I become certified by ODADAS to render alcohol and drug addiction treatment?
The standards for certification can be found at
www.odadas.ohio.gov and the application can be obtained by calling 614-644-8317 or by visiting
www.odadas.ohio.gov and visiting the “certification section” and downloading the “application.”
How do I find a provider for DODD services in my area?
How do I report suspected Medicaid fraud by DODD providers?
Call (614) 466-6670 or e-mail
reportfraud@dodd.ohio.gov. You can also make an anonymous call to the Ohio Attorney General’s Health Care fraud section at 1-800-282-0515.
Where can I find a certified and licensed mental health care provider in my county?
On DMH’s website, there is a map of providers in each county throughout Ohio. The map can be found at:
http://mha.ohio.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=790. You can also 1-877-275-6364 for assistance in finding a provider in your area.
Where can I find agencies which provide assistance and support for someone with a mental illness?