FAQ > Collections FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you do automatic withdrawals from my bank account?
No, the Attorney General does not process automatic withdrawals.
How soon will the agency/university be notified once I pay in full?
The payment may take 10 business days to post, and the agency/university will receive a report the following week.
I have a lien showing on my Credit Bureau Report even though I paid this debt.
Lien releases are sent to debtors and it is their responsibility to file the releases with the appropriate county officials, such as the Clerk of Courts and/or the County Recorder. If you did not file the releases then the liens will still appear on your credit report. Call us to obtain a duplicate lien release if needed.
I received an invoice from the agency/university that states that my balance is $0.00. Why do you still show a balance?
When a balance due to an agency/university becomes delinquent by 45 days or more, it is certified to the Attorney General. Once it is certified, collection costs and interest are automatically imposed by law. These need to be paid even if you paid the original amount directly to the agency/university. Please contact us for the current balance.
I’m on a payment plan. Why is the online system asking for payment of the balance in full?
The system is being updated. Currently, if you are trying to pay after your due date the system will ask for balance in full.
Is this debt reported to the credit bureaus?
We do not report delinquent debts to the credit bureaus. However, if any legal action has occurred, those items may be reported by our special counsel or by the local county clerk’s office.
My name and social security number were used erroneously. Am I still responsible for this bill?
In cases of claimed identity theft, the agency/university will consider the evidence and may require you to do certain things (like file a police report). Each case is considered on an individual basis, so there is no guarantee that you will be released from a debt but we try to be sure that we are collecting debts that are properly owing.
This is a very old debt. Why are you still collecting on it?
Per Ohio Revised Code section 131.02(F)(2), we have 40 years to collect most state debts.
Where do I send my payments?
Payments should be mailed to: Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Collections Enforcement Section, P.O. Box 89471, Cleveland, OH 44101-6471.
Why am I being charged collection costs?
Collection costs are added by statute (Ohio Revised Code section 109.081). The Collections Enforcement Section is funded by the fees that are collected when collecting delinquent accounts.
Why can’t I pay online if I have multiple accounts?
The online payment system is being upgraded to allow payments for multiple accounts. In the meantime, if you want to make an immediate payment on a particular account, call us during regular business hours and we can take payments over the telephone.
Why did the agency/university give you my account to collect?
Under Ohio Revised Code section 131.02, all delinquent state debt is collected by the Attorney General.
Why do I owe this debt, or, what is this about?
You should have received a collection notice or letter from a state agency or college. Call us for specific details. The telephone number for the unit to call will be on that letter.