Telephone Solicitation Sales Act Application Upload Form
Business > Telephone Solicitors > Telephone Solicitation Sales Act Application Upload Form

Telephone Solicitation Sales Act Application Upload Form

Note: An applicant may be disqualified from obtaining a certificate or may have its registration revoked if the applicant or registrant has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or pleaded no contest to certain crimes. An applicant or registrant is also entitled to a determination of disqualifying offenses. For more information, click here

Telephone Solicitation Sales Act Application Upload Form

Upload Your TSSA Application

All Fields are Required


IMPORTANT: Please make sure that ALL documents have been uploaded and appear in the grid BEFORE submitting your application.

By submitting the information indicated above, I acknowledge that the information may contain personally identifiable data and I have the right to submit it. Further, I also understand that this information will be used in the course of the approval process by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and its’ employees.