Business > Services for Business > Tobacco Enforcement > Tobacco Directory

Tobacco Directory

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Directory Search Results

Pending Addition Brands listed as "pending addition" shall not be sold prior to the listed date.

Pending Removal Brands listed as "pending removal" shall not be sold after the listed date.

Brand Name Manufacturer Name Product Type Pending Addition Pending Removal Effective Date
Aura Cheyenne International, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Cheyenne Cheyenne International, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Decade Cheyenne International, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
305's Dosal Tobacco Corporation,(NPM) Cigarette
DTC Dosal Tobacco Corporation,(NPM) Cigarette
Baron Farmers Tobacco Company of Cynthiana, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Kentucky's Best Farmers Tobacco Company of Cynthiana, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Kentucky's Best Farmers Tobacco Company of Cynthiana, Inc.,(PM) RYO
VB Made In The USA Farmers Tobacco Company of Cynthiana, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Cherokee Firebird Manufacturing, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Palmetto Firebird Manufacturing, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Seneca Grand River Enterprises Six Nations, Ltd.,(NPM) Cigarette
Crowns ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Fortuna ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Kool ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Maverick ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Montclair ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Rave ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Salem ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Sonoma ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
USA Gold ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Winston ITG Brands, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
LD by L. Ducat Japan Tobacco International U.S.A., Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Wave Japan Tobacco International U.S.A., Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Wings Japan Tobacco International U.S.A., Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Eve Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Grand Prix Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Liggett Select Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Montego Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Pyramid Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Tourney Liggett Group Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Smoker Friendly (SF) NASCO Products, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
VLN NASCO Products, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Great Country Ohserase Manufacturing, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Signal Ohserase Manufacturing, LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
P.S. RYO Peter Stokkebye Tobaksfabrik a/s,(PM) RYO
Basic Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Benson & Hedges Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Chesterfield Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
L & M Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Marlboro Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Merit Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Nat's Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Parliament Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Virginia Slims Philip Morris USA,(PM) Cigarette
Camel R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Capri R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Carlton R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Doral R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Dunhill R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Dunhill International R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Eclipse R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
GPC R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Kamel Red R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Kent R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Lucky Strike R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Misty R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Monarch R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
More 120 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Newport R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Now R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Old Gold R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Pall Mall R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
State Express 555 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Tareyton R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
True R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Vantage R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,(PM) Cigarette
Natural American Spirit Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Natural American Spirit Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc.,(PM) RYO
Bugler Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.,(PM) RYO
Kite Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.,(PM) RYO
Leaf by Lane Ltd. Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.,(PM) RYO
Midnight Special Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.,(PM) RYO
Bali Shag Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
Drum Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
Gambler Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
Our Advertiser Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
Premier Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
Top Top Tobacco, LP,(PM) RYO
1839 U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
1839 U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) RYO
1st Class U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
ACE U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Manitou U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Shield U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Traffic U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Ultra Buy U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Wildhorse U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc.,(PM) Cigarette
Eagle 20's Vector Tobacco, Inc. dba Medallion Brands,(PM) Cigarette
Silver Eagle Vector Tobacco, Inc. dba Medallion Brands,(PM) Cigarette
USA Vector Tobacco, Inc. dba Medallion Brands,(PM) Cigarette
American Bison Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) RYO
American Bison Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Canoe Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) RYO
Custom Blends Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) RYO
Nashville Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) RYO
Nashville Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Teton Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) Cigarette
Teton Wind River Tobacco Company, LLC,(PM) RYO
24/7 Xcaliber International, Ltd., LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Berley Xcaliber International, Ltd., LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Echo Xcaliber International, Ltd., LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Edgefield Xcaliber International, Ltd., LLC,(NPM) Cigarette
Main Street Xcaliber International, Ltd., LLC,(NPM) Cigarette