Opinions Requested
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Pending Opinion Requests

3/27/25 Washington Township Law Director 2025OPR007
Whether the Township Board of Trustees may authorize, by resolution, Township officers and employees to incur obligations greater than ten thousand dollars on behalf of the Township?

3/11/2025 Geauga County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR006
Questions concerning the use of various types of tax funds for road purposes and whether such funds can be used on a road project outside of the legal boundaries of a township.

3/10/2025 Highland County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR005
Whether a county coroner may appoint a dentist as an "investigator" under the Ohio Revised Code, specifically within the authority granted under ORC § 313.05? If a dentist cannot be appointed as an "investigator," may a dentist be appointed as a deputy coroner under ORC § 313.05? Does a dentist qualify as a "physician" as defined in ORC § 4731.053, ORC § 4731.34, and ORC Chapter 4715?

3/4/25 Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR004
Whether an individual, who presently serves as a township fiscal officer, may also serve as the finance director of a charter municipality (City of Cortland) located in the same county (Trumbull County) as the Township?

3/4/25 Delaware County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR003
Whether a county prosecutor’s office is included within the definition of “law enforcement agency” as used in amended R.C. 149.43(B)(1), such that a county prosecutor’s office may charge a public records requester the actual cost associated with preparing a video record as permitted by the amendment to R.C. 149.43(B)(1)?

2/6/2025 Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR002
May a prosecuting attorney relinquish legal duties that are specifically imposed upon him by both Ohio general law and a county charter by delegating such duties to an entity not under the prosecutor’s authority and control, such as the County Director of Law and Law Department, by agreement?

1/10/2025 Defiance County Prosecuting Attorney 2025OPR001
May an Adult Parole Authority (APA) officer participate in a multi-jurisdictional drug unit as a special deputy sheriff and enforce laws in that capacity?  More specifically, may an APA officer participate with the drug unit in executing warrants, making arrests, and using deadly force, when necessary?  Would the APA officer risk personal liability in participating in those law enforcement activities if the officer is not certified by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission as a peace officer?

12/4/2024 Highland County Prosecuting Attorney 2024OPR017
Several questions in relation to property seized and forfeited pursuant to R.C. 2981.01-2981.13.

10/21/2024 Greene County Prosecuting Attorney 2024OPR016
For purposes of establishing, equipping, furnishing, operating, and maintaining a public safety answering point (PSAP) for a countywide 9-1-1 system operated by a regional council of governments, can subdivisions served by that PSAP use funds obtained from taxes levied pursuant to O.R.C. 5705.19(I) and/or O.R.C. 5705.19(J) to pay for the costs allocated to them as required by O.R.C. 128.03(D)?

10/8/2024 Butler County Prosecuting Attorney 2024OPR014
Whether contracting authorities and appointed selection committees subject to R.C. 121.22 when evaluating, ranking, discussing and negotiating proposals submitted pursuant to R.C. 307.862?  If question one is answered in the affirmative, is it lawful to conduct evaluations, rankings, discussions, negotiations and awards in executive session pursuant R.C. 121.22(G)?  When, if ever, would any records generated as a result of an executive session or otherwise non-public meeting to evaluate, rank, discuss, negotiate, aside from the submitted proposals themselves, become public record?

9/27/2024 Greene County Prosecuting Attorney 2024OPR015
Whether juvenile, domestic relations, and probate courts are "courts of general criminal jurisdiction" under Ohio law with regard to the signing of search warrants, and would thus constitute courts of "competent jurisdiction" under 18 U.S.C. §2703.

9/17/2024 Greene County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR013
Whether 1983 Ohio Atty.Gen.Ops. No. 83-064 still reflects the Attorney General's opinion regarding representation of joint boards of county commissioners acting pursuant to R.C. 2151.65?  To what extent, if at all, does the analysis change regarding representation of a Governing Board of Juvenile Court Judges operating a juvenile facility organized under R.C. 2151.65?

8/14/24 Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR011
Whether, "[permitting county] Elected Officials to transition to new health care plans while maintaining the same constribution distribution [during their existing term of office], constitutes a mid-term compensation increase under Ohio Const., Art. II § 20?"

6/25/24 Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR010
Under R.C. 2930.07(C) (Marsy's Law), do legislative bodies and their members, along with investigative and law enforcement agencies, meet the definition of public offices charged with knowing identifying information of a victim; is sharing a victim's identifying information with another public office required or discretionary; what duty does a public office or official that receives a victim's unredacted identifying information have to prevent public disclosure?

6/17/24 Paulding County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR009
Ohio Revised Code Section 307.515 directs money collected by the municipal court to be paid to the law library resource board.  Given the population, what amount of money collected by the municipal court is to be paid to the law library resource board?  Does Ohio Revised Code Section 307.515 cap or (limit) the annual amount the municipal court pays to the law library resource board?

5/28/24 Morrow County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR008
Whether a township fiscal officer could service as a member of the township board of zoning appeals within the same township.

4/23/2024 Summit County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR003
Several questions regarding a county's and a joint office of economic development's authority under R.C. 307.07 and/or R.C. 307.85(A) to be a federal trade zone grantee under 15 C.F.R. 400.12.

3/19/2024 Brown County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR005
Whether an employee of the County Engineer's Office may also serve as a fiscal officer for a township in the county.

8/23/2022 Delaware County Prosecuting Attorney - 2022OPR012
Whether state and local governments can fund abortions and abortion related care using state or local funds and how Home Rule impacts this ability or inability.

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