Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy
Media > Newsletters > February 2016

Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy

IED/Bomb Week

The threat of Improvised Explosive Device (IED)/Bomb attacks is a global problem. 


Understanding the Impact of PTSD on Combat Veterans

This four-hour seminar is designed to provide all attendees with an understanding of the veteran’s wartime experience, the devastating impact of the exposure to multiple traumatic events, the complications of coming home to an environment that could promote the isolation and abandonment, and those triggers that both elicit and aggravate potentially volatile and high-risk situations. 


Community Diversity Instructor Update

Do you currently teach the Community Diversity topic in either a Peace Officer basic training class, a Corrections Officer basic training class, a Jailer Basic training class, or a Private Security basic training class? 


More from the OPOTA Course Catalog

Managing Confidential Informants
