Media > Newsletters > January 2017


New Criminal Record Disqualifer Entrance Standards

In September, in responses to recommendations from the Attorney General’s Advisory Group on Law Enforcement Training, the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission approved amendments expanding the list of offenses that would disqualify someone from attending peace officer basic training found in Ohio Administrative Code section 109:2-1-03.  Those amendments have now also been approved by the legislature and will be effective for any peace officer basic training schools starting on or after January 1, 2017. 


Pre-entrance Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Policy Change Effective 1/12/2017

In order to be eligible to attend POBT, prospective students are required to meet the 15th percentile of the Cooper Institute Standard for age and gender norms.  The pre-entrance PFA must be completed prior to the school’s opening audit and the score must be documented on the SF195bas.
