Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

Attorney General Releases 2014 Human Trafficking Report

According to the annual Ohio Attorney General’s Office Human Trafficking Report released earlier this year, law enforcement officers are conducting more human trafficking investigations, and identifying more potential traffickers and trafficking victims, in Ohio than have ever been reported before.


Review of Law Enforcement Training Focus of Attorney General’s Panel

After a series of law enforcement involved shootings and deaths in Ohio and elsewhere in the nation, Attorney General Mike DeWine established a working group to look at the training for Ohio peace officers.


From the Attorney General – CJU Spring 2015

Law enforcement officers have often told me that they see many of the same people com­mit violent crimes time and time again. 


Attorney General Announces Naloxone Agreement

Attorney General Mike DeWine announced an agreement with Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc. – a manufacturer of the drug Naloxone – to provide rebates to police departments and other non-governmental agencies that distribute the drug in Ohio. 


Legislation Reinforces Mike DeWine’s Call to Test Sexual Assault Kits

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has been encouraging local law enforcement in the state to send in Sexual Assault Kits for DNA testing by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. 

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