Criminal Justice Update
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BCI lab response leads to quick arrest in child’s rape

Less than 54 hours after a 13-year-old girl was raped while waiting for her school bus in April, the BCI lab in London — which offered to expedite testing in the case — notified Columbus police of a CODIS hit linking evidence from the crime to a known offender. That same day, SWAT officers arrested the suspect at his home within a mile of the bus stop. He is charged with three counts of rape and one count of kidnapping.

Attorney General Mike DeWine said the case is a prime example of BCI’s ability and willingness to fast-track testing when needed.
“Two of our scientists saw news stories on this crime, went to their supervisor, and said, ‘Let’s reach out to Columbus police right away,’  ” he said. “She knew just who to call to initiate the process. Police delivered a rape kit four hours later, and scientists immediately began their analyses.”
The lab completed the testing and reported a CODIS hit to detectives within 27 hours.
Lt. David Pelphrey of the Columbus Division of Police was on the receiving end of the initial phone call and connected the lab supervisor with detectives. As a member of his agency’s sexual assault team, he talks with the lab staff regularly. “They’re rock stars,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard them say, ‘We can’t do that.’ They always say, ‘We’ll try.’” Pelphrey called the lab’s response in the April attack “phenomenal,” adding, “That’s typical of what they do.”
Although the urgency of this case prompted immediate analysis, BCI has cut its turnaround times for processing all DNA evidence it receives by more than 100 days since Attorney General DeWine took office. Through increased staffing, greater reliance on technology, and process improvements, BCI reduced DNA turnaround times from 125 days in December 2010 to 24 days in May 2014.
Expedited services available
Fast-track services are offered to all of BCI’s law enforcement partners as needed. The lab prioritizes DNA cases upon request when these criminal elements are present:
  • The perpetrator is unknown
  • The case involves a violent crime against a person, such as rape, beating, or murder
  • Evidence is directly related to the crime (sexual assault kit, clothing left by subject, cigarette butt left by subject)
  • Samples consist of body fluids (not touch DNA samples)
FOR ASSISTANCE: To request expedited services, call 855-BCI-OHIO (855-224-6446).