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Tips for Preventing Anti-Competitive Activity

Bid-rigging, price-fixing, and other antitrust violations by unscrupulous vendors can result in significant overcharges to public entities. With a few simple steps, however, you can help discourage anticompetitive activity and increase your chances of detecting it if it occurs:
  • Keep an up-to-date list of potential bidders; solicit bids from as many competitors as possible.
  • Require bidders to identify partners, subcontractors, and joint ventures in their bids.
  • Require non-collusion affidavits with every bid.
  • If something looks strange, ask bidders to explain.
  • Retain bid and purchase records for at least five years, allowing for review.
  • Do not reveal the names of prospective bidders or cost estimates before the contract is awarded unless required to do so by law.
  • Join the Ohio Attorney General’s Partnership for Competitive Purchasing and let us know about suspicious activity. Visit the Attorney General’s website to register.