Media > Newsletters > May 2012


5/4/2012 Email - Basic Curriculum Revisions - Subject Matter Expert Application

Most of you are aware the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) has been regularly revising the Peace Officer Basic Training Curriculum over the past 18 months.  Recently, the Private Security Training curriculum has been added to the list of revisions and the Humane Agent and Corrections Basic programs are being looked at for January 2013.  We are utilizing Subject Matter Expert (SME) groups to provide the content for these topic revisions and we’re reaching out to professionals in the field for curriculum content, performance objectives, acceptable performance levels, if applicable, and technical language.


5/3/2012 Email to Instructors - SPO, Lesson Plan, Proficiency Testing Procedure Changes

Subject Control, Defensive Tactics, and Self-Defense topics are covered in most of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) basic programs.  For the Peace Officer Basic Training (POBT) and Private Security (PSA) programs, there will be significant changes to the OPOTC student performance objectives, lesson plans, and proficiency testing procedures within this topic.


5/7/2012 Email to Instructors & Commanders - Drug Topic(s) Instructor Update for Peace Officer Basic

For schools beginning on or after July 1, 2012, the Peace Officer Basic Training (POBT) program has significant changes within the 11-7 Drug Awareness and 11-18 Meth & Clandestine Labs topics.  Topic 11-18 Meth & Clandestine Labs will be deleted; the information pertinent to a POBT student was incorporated into  11-7 Drug Awareness .  Additionally, the Drug Awareness topic has been updated to include current information on what the student can expect to see and should look for with today’s drug trends.
