Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy
Media > Newsletters > September 2017

Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy

Understanding Issues Specifically Related to Body Cameras

As body cameras become more prevalent, law enforcement agencies are facing new questions related to policies, procedures, and communication. 


Understanding Human Behavior and Stress

In October, OPOTA Richfield will host two courses designed to help law enforcement officers understand the dynamics behind human behavior in high-stress situations.  


Learn From Other Agencies’ Experiences

When law enforcement agencies learn from one another’s successes and difficulties, everyone benefits. 


Learn More About Financial Crimes

Participants in the Law Enforcement Critical Issues Symposium will learn about the financial components of the opioid epidemic and the threat of homegrown financial terrorism and hear about a case study involving a fake charity for veterans. 


Stay Current on the Latest in Opioid Death Investigations

As many Ohioans continue to struggle with addiction to opioids and other drugs, law enforcement professionals need to be aware of best practices as they investigate overdoses and related incidents.


Did you Know?

Log in to OHLEG to print advanced training certificates. 
