Media > Newsletters > February 2013 > Special Accommodations Information and Requests


Special Accommodations Information and Requests



Due to a significant increase in Special Accommodation testing requests, we ask that you adhere to the protocol and timelines set forth in the Commander’s Manuals (Basic Peace Officer Manual section 5.9.3, Corrections Manual section 5.8.3, and Private Security Manual section 5.8.3) in order that we can continue to process and approve them expeditiously.

In summary, the requests are to be made as soon as possible, but not later than 45 days prior to the last day in which OPOTC topics are taught.  The required documents to be included in the request are the completed EX735, completed Special Accommodations Request/Checklist, and a current (within 3 years) diagnosis from a qualified specialist or current (within 3 years) IEP or MFE.  Please refer to the attached Special Accommodations Information and Request Form for additional details.

All special accommodations are held at OPOTA’s main campus, 1650 SR56 SW, London, Ohio.  The accommodations available are: extended time, oral examination, and both extended time and oral examination.  As always, please feel free to contact us regarding any questions.


Robert Fiatal
Executive Director
Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission

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