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***CANCELLED*** Sunshine Laws Certification Training 10.24.2024 (Youngstown OH)

Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Youngstown State University
Kilcawley Center, Chestnut Room
1 Tressel Way
Youngstown, Ohio 44555

Parking Instructions:
Attendees are to park in the M81 parking lot informing the attendant that they are there for the Sunshine Laws Training event.  Attendees will follow the red dotted pathway (walking) to gain entry to Kilcawley Center.  Upon entry, signs will direct attendees to the Chestnut Room. 

Refreshments are not provided by the Office of the Attorney General or Youngstown State University.  Attendees may bring their own beverages and snacks or there are several eating establishments located within Kilcawley Center (Chick-fil-A, Dunkin Donuts and more) where refreshments can be purchased.

This course provides:

  • The mandatory three (3) hour training required by Ohio Rev. Code § 109.43(B) to be completed by elected officials or their designee once per elected term.
  •  Three  (3) hour(s) of general instruction approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for Ohio attorneys. 
Reference materials for this training are provided below to download and/or print.
Sunshine Laws Manual
PowerPoint Handout


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