Sunshine Laws Informational Videos

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Sunshine Laws Informational Videos

To assist and educate members of the public in understanding and accessing Ohio’s Sunshine Laws, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office has developed several informational videos on the topics about which we frequently receive questions.
These videos are a supplement to the office’s Sunshine Laws Manual, which can help answer additional questions about the Sunshine Laws.  Because much of open government law comes from case law or the interpretation of statutes by the courts, we encourage local governments to seek guidance from their legal counsel when specific legal questions about these laws arise.
Please note that viewing these short informational videos DOES NOT satisfy an elected official’s 3-hour training requirement under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Sections 149.43(E)(1) and 109.43(B).  For more information on Sunshine Laws Certification Training, please visit the Sunshine Laws Certification Training page.
These informational videos were made possible in part by a Grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation.  The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Ohio State Bar Foundation. 
Please help us to better assist you by completing the brief survey at the end of each video. 
Executive Sessions to Discuss Personnel Matters

Executive Sessions to Discuss Personnel Matters

Discussion of what personnel matters are acceptable topics in an executive session under the Open Meetings Act, as well as potential problem areas that arise for public bodies seeking to discuss personnel matters in executive session.

How to Make a Public Records Request

How to Make a Public Records Request

An overview of public records requesters' rights and public offices' obligations under the Public Records Act, including practical tips for making a proper public records request.

Executive Sessions to Consult With Legal Counsel

Executive Sessions to Consult With Legal Counsel

An overview of when, under the Open Meetings Act, a public body may enter into an executive session for the purpose of meeting with its legal counsel, and what topics the public body may discuss with its legal counsel during that executive session.

Public Records 101

Public Records 101

Understanding the Public Records Act begins with first understanding the two seemingly basic, yet sometimes complicated terms "public record" and "public office".

Confidential Law Enforcement Investigatory Records (CLEIRs)

Confidential Law Enforcement Investigatory Records (CLEIRs)

A closer look at what types of "law enforcement" records may be exempted from disclosure under the Public Records Act, how long that exemption may apply, and what types of public offices are able to claim this exemption.

Remedies for Violations of Ohio's Sunshine Laws

Remedies for Violations of Ohio's Sunshine Laws

Known as "self-help" laws, both the Public Records Act and the Open Meetings Act provide for any person to file a lawsuit to enforce the Sunshine Laws if that person believes either Act was violated. This presentation details the legal remedies allowable under Ohio's Sunshine Laws.

Open Meetings Act Overview

Open Meetings Act Overview

A general discussion of Ohio's Open Meetings Act, which mandates that a "public body" conducts its official business in meetings open to the public, including discussion on how to determine who is a "public body" subject to the Act, and what obligations the Act imposes on a public body.