FAQ > Foreclosure FAQs > I rent my home and think my landlord is in foreclosure. Does the law protect me?
Frequently Asked Questions
I rent my home and think my landlord is in foreclosure. Does the law protect me?
Tenants who live in foreclosed residential properties are allowed to stay in their homes until they are given at least 90 days advance notice to vacate, with the buyer as the new landlord. Moreover, if the tenants have a current lease, they are entitled to stay until their current lease expires, unless the buyer or some subsequent purchaser intends to move into the home and make it their primary residence – in which case, the tenants still must be given at least 90 days advance notice to vacate before they can be required to move out.
For more information, please visit the National Low Income Housing Coalition to access the Renters in Foreclosure Toolkit. Also, for any tenant who needs help in asserting their rights under the new law, the local legal aid program in your area may be able to provide legal assistance. To find and contact the legal aid program in your area, visit Ohio Legal Services or call (866) LAW-OHIO (529-6446).