Outside Counsel
Legal > Outside Counsel > FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I serve as special counsel for the State of Ohio?
The first step to serving as special counsel is to fill out the RFQ and related forms. Once you have completed the forms, please submit them to the Director of Outside Counsel at SpecialCounsel@OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov. Completing and submitting the forms does not guarantee an appointment to serve as special counsel.
The Attorney General considers many factors when selecting representation for matters that require special counsel. The factors considered include, but are not limited to, a firm’s experience, areas of expertise, and ability to perform the work requested. 
After you have submitted the required forms, the Outside Counsel Section will review your qualifications and contact you if you have been selected to serve as special counsel. 
I have submitted my law firm’s RFQ, when should I expect my appointment?
Submitting the RFQ does not guarantee that a law firm will receive an appointment as special counsel. Submitting a completed RFQ prequalifies a law firm to be considered for a special counsel appointment.
Why have I not received my assignment letter?
The two most common reasons for not receiving an anticipated Assignment Letter are: (1) all of your necessary paperwork has not been submitted to the Outside Counsel Section, and (2) the State Entity has not submitted its Request for Special Counsel. If neither of these situations applies, please call the mainline of the Outside Counsel Section at (614) 466-8240.
How do I set up my law firm to bill in TyMetrix 360?
The E-Billing Administrator for the Outside Counsel Section will set up your TyMetrix 360 account associated with the matter that you are assigned to handle on behalf of the State of Ohio.
Who do I contact if my TyMetrix 360 password expires?
Under the terms of the license agreement with TyMetrix, the Outside Counsel Section does not have the authority to help you with TyMetrix 360 password problems.   If your TyMetrix password expires, please contact the TyMetrix Support Staff at 860-549-8795.
How does my law firm request an increase in its budget?
The Attorney General’s Office increases budgets at the request of State Entities. Pursuant to the terms of the law firm’s retention agreement, special counsel is required to report to the Attorney General’s Office when it reasonably believes that it will exceed 80% of its budget. 
What is the status of my bill?
To check the status of a bill, locate the bill in TyMetrix 360 and check its “status” column.  The following are explanations of the status descriptions:
  • In Review: The invoice is being reviewed by the Attorney General’s Office and the State Entity.
  • Pending Payment/Processing: The review process is complete and the bill is being processed by the Attorney General’s Invoice Administrator.
  • Processed: The bill has been sent to the State Entity for payment.
  • Failed on Submission: Review the invoice for errors and check against the allotted budget for that specific matter and fiscal year. Once the invoice has been corrected, please re-submit it through TyMetrix 360.
  • Rejected by Reviewer: See the email alert sent to your law firm’s billing administrator with reason for rejection. Review the invoice. Re-submit corrected invoice through TyMetrix 360.
Does the Attorney General’s Office or the State Entity pay my law firm?
The State Entity pays special counsel bills. It is the responsibility of the Attorney General’s Office to approve all special counsel bills and submit them to the State Entity for approval.